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William Turnipseed » Musicians – Directory Listing

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William Turnipseed

Reader Coordinator
1245 10th Ave E Seattle Washington 98102 United States Home Phone: (206) 323-0300 x216 Joined: September 1, 1998
Photo of William Turnipseed

Biographical Info

William Turnipseed has degrees in Mechanical Engineering and Business from the University of Colorado at Boulder as well as five years of organ study there. Professionally, he works in the engineering and construction industry. His time outside of work is devoted largely to music. He is a singer and an organist. He sings Bass 2 in the Compline Choir. He is also one of the service readers. He is a member of the Compline Choir Board. He also sings in the choir and occasionally plays the organ on Sunday mornings at Church of the Ascension in Seattle.

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Categories: Bass - Cantoris, Member, Reader
Updated 2 months ago.