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René Marceau » Musicians – Directory Listing

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René Marceau

Joined: September 1, 2009
Photo of René Marceau

Biographical Info

René Marceau is president of Marceau Pipe Organ Builders in Seattle, a firm he established in 1981. During that time, his shop has completed 42 major projects in locations from San Diego to Anchorage and Great Falls. He holds a BA in music history from Loyola University of Los Angeles and a Masters in Church Music from the University of Southern California. A life long singer, René has participated in both church and concert choirs in Los Angeles, Portland, and Seattle. He has also studied organ with David Britton, Ladd Thomas, Lee Garrett, and Peter Hallock. René joined the Saint Mark’s Cathedral Choir in 2005 and The Compline Choir in 2009.

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Categories: Alto - Cantoris, Broadcast Team, Librarian, Media & Library, Member
Updated 2 months ago.