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Joel Bevington » Musicians – Directory Listing

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Joel Bevington

At-Large Board Member
Joined: September 1, 2015
Photo of Joel Bevington

Biographical Info

Joel Bevington is currently enrolled at the University of Washington as a doctoral student in choral conducting. He graduated in May 2007 from Emory University/Candler School of Theology with a Master of Music in Organ and where he served as the Cannon Chapel Organist and the Music Director. His Bachelor of Music in organ degree is from Wheaton College Conservatory of Music where he also studied choral music and conducting. He served for seven years as Director of Music Ministry at Rayne Memorial United Methodist Church in New Orleans. He is from Albany, Oregon, where his parents, both teachers and musicians, live.

Custom Metadata Fields

Categories: Alto - Cantoris, Board Member, Cantor, Leadership, Member
Updated 2 weeks ago.